Fuel System Cleaning at South Side Garage in OKLAHOMA CITY for Better Performance
October 29, 2023
A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicle's engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the engine.Fuel injectors are engineered to spray fuel i... More

How Much Does It Cost? (Variations in Vehicle Repair Costs)
October 22, 2023
Ever wonder why it costs so much more to fix a similar problem in two different vehicles? Let's say you now own an SUV and before that, you owned a car. Your SUV's air conditioning system needs a new evaporator, but the cost for the new one is way more than you remember it was for your car. How... More

Drive Defensively in Oklahoma
October 15, 2023
Car care is part of auto safety in OKLAHOMA CITY. But the most important thing we can do to improve safety on Oklahoma roads is to drive safely.Defensive driving begins with the proper attitude. Have in mind that you won't let anyone take your safety away from you. You'll be aware of your surrou... More

Chilly Warning (Diagnosing a Noise in Cold Vehicle)
October 8, 2023
When the weather gets colder, sometimes the noises your vehicle makes will change. For example, you may notice a whining sound when you get going in the morning. It may go away when the vehicle warms up, but it's best not to ignore that sound because it could be a warning of worse things to com... More

If You Drive Like a Maniac (Aggressive Driving is Bad for a Vehicle)
October 1, 2023
When someone mentions driving like a maniac, they're not talking about you, surely? Besides the safety issues of aggressive driving, you should know that your vehicle will last a lot longer if you'll just mellow out a little. Here are four traits good drivers follow if they want their vehicles t... More